Friday, October 28, 2011

~Hospital Fun~

Labor started on Wednesday morning early. I was not really sure what it was that i was feeling, it was some pains but they more bugged me then pained me. I got up to go to work and on my way I was a little worried that something bad was happening so I decided if they did not stop by the time I got to the bottom of trappers I was going to go to the hospital. Then I called my mom I started to talk to her and I got calmed down. Drove into work at my moms house and then got to work noticing it every now and again. I would sometimes have to get up and walk around. I felt really good got a lot done so we stopped for lunch. My mom had me time the pains, she thought it was labor, so I did they were 5 mins apart so I called Drew and let him know. about 4 pm they were getting more like 3 or 4 mins apart so we decided to head to Ogden. We were down there for a while shopping, got something to eat and decided to go in it was about 8 or 9 pm they checked me and i was only dilated to a 2 so they sent me home 3 hours later i was back to the hospital i should have just stayed there. I was only at a 5 at 1 AM on Thursday, I got the epidural and waited our beautiful Little Girl was Born at 6:49 AM it was so wonderful.

       Dad Is learning to change a diaper on is 1st new little baby girl! I know right but he was so good about it, I think he changed everyone except maybe 2. Once we got home that changed. He is so wonderful!! Chloe was even patient with Drew as he was learning what to do. He may have put the diaper on back words once but who doesn't do that at lest once in there diaper changing life.
It was really wonderful to see how happy he was holding her and Loving on little miss. Before you know it the day is almost gone, with all the visitors coming and going you get tired quick. So you take a small nap nurses come in to check everything and make sure that everything is going well. They make sure that you have everything you need. Then its time for bed and it seems hard to let your new little one go off into the nursery, I think I was up and down all night thinking of her. I event went and woke her up to feed her, when she had not had food in 5 hours. They say its normal in the first but it seemed mean to let her not eat. I then let her go back to bed, she is so wonderful sleeping and happy never once felt like I did not get enough sleep.

     What a beautiful child we are so lucky to have the new addition to are small family. We enjoy her she makes us smile everyday, one of gods greatest gifts for sure. After all the paperwork and checks by the doctors to make sure all is well. We can finally get ready to go home, we eat lunch and pack all of our things. Then we have to get the Nurse she makes sure all is in order and she walks us out. Drew runs to get the car so we can load everything up and head home. But not before stopping at Babies 'R us to get some cute girly window shades to block the sun from our new babies delicate eyes.


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